Modification of Ni-Based Plasma Detonation Coatings by a Low-Energy DC E-Beam
D. Alontsevaa, A. Krasavina, A. Pogrebnjak b and A. Russakovac
aEast-Kazakhstan State Technical University, Protozanov 69, 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
bSumy State University, Rimsky Korsakov 2, 40007 Sumy, Ukraine
cEurasian National University, Munaitpasov 5, 010008 Astana, Kazakhstan
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The paper presents the study of Ni-based coatings deposited by plasma detonation onto a steel substrate after direct current low-energy electron beam irradiation and proposes explicit parameters of the electron beam for modification of coatings by irradiation. The choice of irradiation modes is based on the calculation of the temperature profile in the Ni-Fe two-layer absorbents using numerical simulation methods. It was found that the exposure of coatings to irradiation according to the recommended modes leads to the evolution of the structural-phase state of coatings and substantial improvement of performance properties of modified surfaces. The wear resistance of modified surfaces increases 3 times, the microhardness increases on the average 25%.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.867
PACS numbers: 81.15.-z, 81.07.-b, 68.47.Gh