Surface Hardening of Ductile Cast Iron by Electrolytic Plasma Technology
A. Ayday and M. Durman
Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey
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Traditional surface modification obligations, surface coatings, and other methods of surface treatment are used to increase the hardness and mechanical properties of specimen surfaces. But those techniques are limited due to the high equipment cost, and material consumption. Electrolytic plasma technology is a special heat treatment process employing electrolysis in an aqueous solution under particular conditions, for instance voltage, current, electrolyte, duration, and heating-quenching rate. In this study, surface modification of GGG70 cast iron was carried out by using electrolytic plasma treatment. Certain voltage and ampere values were performed to obtain good surface properties. Metallographic studies were carried out with an optical microscope to study the hardened and modified surfaces. The effect of impulse time on surface temperature was investigated and it was observed that the temperature on the workpiece increased with increasing impulse time. It was found that the electrolytic plasma treatment could significantly increase hardness of the cast iron.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.291
PACS numbers: 81.30.Kf, 82.33.Xj,