Two-Dimensional Optical Imaging of Artificial Magnetic Field in the Laboratory
X.-N. Li, N. An, X.-J. Li Bai
Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China
Received: November 27, 2011; In final form: October 14, 2012
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Two-dimensional images of the artificial magnetic field created by permanent magnets were obtained by means of the Faraday magnetic rotation effect. This provides a convenient and effective means to observe and measure macro-scale magnetic field, as well as lays a base for three-dimensional optical imaging of magnetic field. The magnetic field imaging here can also be considered as a key part of the magnetic rotation geomagnetic field imaging method which we put forward before, and will provide experimental support for this method.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.34
PACS numbers: 42.25.Ja, 42.30.-d, 78.20.Ls