Influence of Epitaxial Strain on Magnetic Anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As
P. Juszyńskia, D. Wasika, M. Gryglas-Borysiewicza, J. Przybyteka, J. Szczytkoa, A. Twardowskia and J. Sadowskib,c
aInstitute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoża 69, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland
bInstitute of Physics, PAS, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
cMax-Lab, Lund University, Lund, SE-221 00, Sweden
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Two (Ga,Mn)As samples having different magnetic anisotropy (one with in-plane easy axis and another one with out-of-plane easy axis) were studied by means of magnetotransport experiments. Anisotropy field BA was determined for both samples as a function of temperature. For the sample having in-plane easy axis, an inversion: of the direction of planar Hall effect hysteresis was observed upon increase of temperature. This result was simulated using the Stoner-Wohlfarth model.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.122.1004
PACS numbers: 75.50.Pp, 75.47.-m