Location of Partial Discharge Sources and Analysis of Signals in Chosen Power Oil Transformers by Means of Acoustic Emission Method |
A. Olszewska and F. Witos
Department of Optoelectronics, Silesian University of Technology, B. Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland |
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The original system useful for analysis of signals recorded during investigations of partial discharges within power oil transformers by means of acoustic method is presented. This method includes the basic and advanced analysis of recorded data. In the frame of basic analysis of data recorded signals undergo filtration in chosen frequency bands and next the analysis is made - in domain of time, frequency, time-frequency and discrimination threshold. In the frame of advanced analysis of data the amplitude distributions of acoustic emission signals and the acoustic emission descriptors (defined by the authors) are calculated in order to outline maps of acoustic emission descriptors on lateral walls of a transformer; It is a base for location of sources of partial discharges by means of the original method consisted in determination of advance degree of a signal. Results of this analysis, for signals recorded in two chosen transformers with identical construction (partial discharge occurred only within one of them), are presented in the paper. The source of partial discharge, situated within oil near transformer tank, was localized; The revision confirmed this result. Properties of recorded emission acoustic signals at chosen measuring points situated on the tank, in function of distance between the partial discharge source and measuring points, are presented. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.122.921 PACS numbers: 52.80.-s, 77.22.Jp, 84.70.+p, 43.40.Le, 43.60.Lq |