Studies on Infrasound Noise Emitted by Wind Turbines of Large Power |
T. Boczar, T. Malec and D. Wotzka
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Opole University of Technology, S. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland |
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The subject area of this article applies to study of infrasound signals generated by the work of modern wind turbines. Infrasound noise measurements were conducted in accordance with assumptions of the EN 61400-11 standard. The object of study was a newly commissioned wind farm with a total electrical power equal to 30 MW. The considered power station consisted of 15 new wind turbines, each with a capacity of 2 MW. Scope of the analysis performed included designation of time runs, depicting temporal changes, and designation of frequency spectra of the recorded infrasound signals. Evaluation of the impact of changes in wind speed was made. Moreover, the scope of analysis, performed in this field, concerned assessment of the impact on the obtained results values of meteorological parameters related to the applied measurement system. Values obtained from measurements were related to and compared with the limits specified in standards and regulations existing in this field. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.122.850 PACS numbers: 43.28.Dm, 07.10.-h, 46.40.-f, 43.50.-x, 43.50.+y |