High Temperature Magnetic and Thermal Properties of (PbySn1-y)2P2S6 Chalcogenides |
S. Il'kovič a, M. Reiffersa, V. Šebeň a, K. Šterbákováa, V. Burgera, L. Parmaa, O. Čobal'b, I. Rizakc and V. Rizakb
aFaculty of Sciences, University of Prešov, 17. novembra 1, SK 080 78 Prešov, Slovakia bUzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine cNational Aerocosmic University - KHAI, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
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The results of study of Pb influence on high temperature magnetic and thermal properties of the chalcogenides (PbySn1-y)2P2S6 are presented. The increasing Pb content shifts phase transition to the ferroelectric state at about 337 K towards lower temperatures while magnetic field till 3 T has no influence on this transition. The measured susceptibility and magnetisation data are discussed. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.122.12 PACS numbers: 64.60.Kw, 62.50.-p, 65.40.Ba, 68.35.Rh |