Magnetic-Field Induced Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition in PDLC Doped with Magnetic Nanoparticles |
Z. Mitróováa, N. Tomašovičováa, M. Timkoa, M. Konerackáa, L. Tomčob, J. Jadżync, T. Palewskid, and P. Kopčanskýa and O.V. Kovalchuke
aInstitute of Experimental Physics, SAS, Watsonova 47, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia bFaculty of Aeronautics, Technical University, Rampová 7, 041 21, Košice, Slovakia cInstitute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań, Poland dInternational Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gajowicka 95, 53-421 Wrocław, Poland eInstitut of Physics, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine |
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The paper presents a study of the polymer dispersed liquid crystals that consist of liquid crystal 4-trans-4'-n-hexyl-cyclo-hexyl-isothio-cyanato-benzene (6CHBT) microdroplets dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol and doped with various kinds of magnetic particles. As magnetic nanoparticles there were used single walled carbon nanotubes and magnetite labeled single walled carbon nanotubes. The volume concentration of the particles was 2 × 10-3. Magnetic properties were investigated by a SQUID magnetometer. The higher saturation magnetization has been achieved in sample polymer dispersed liquid crystal doped with magnetite labeled single walled carbon nanotubes. The phase transition temperature from isotropic to nematic phase at the external magnetic field 0 T and 12 T was monitored by precise capacitance measurements in the capacitance cell filled with prepared sample. The significant shift of the phase transition temperature (0.2°C) at the external magnetic field 12 T has been observed in sample polymer dispersed liquid crystal doped with magnetite labeled single walled carbon nanotubes. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.1299 PACS numbers: 61.30.Gd, 75.30.Hx, 75.75.Fk, 77.84.Nh |