Experimental Study of the Thermal Transport in CsNiF3 - An S = 1 Quantum Chain |
V. Tkáča, A. Orendáčováa, M. Orendáča, D. Legutb, K. Tibenskác, A. Fehera, M. Poirierd and M.W. Meisele
aCentre of Low Temperature Physics, Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia bInstitute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Žižkova 22, CZ-616 62 Brno, Czech Republic cFaculty of Aeronautics, Technical University, Rampová 7, 041 21 Košice, Slovakia dRegroupement Québécois sur les Matériaux de Pointe, Département de Physique, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1, Canada eDepartment of Physics and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-8440, USA |
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The heat transport in a single-crystal of CsNiF3 has been performed in the temperature range from 2 K to 7 K in a zero magnetic field, B = 0, as well as in sufficiently large magnetic fields, B = 6 T and 9 T, inducing the ferromagnetic ground state along the hard c-axis. CsNiF3 represents an S = 1 quasi-one-dimensional XY ferromagnet with the intra-chain exchange coupling J/kB ≈ 24 K, single-ion anisotropy D/kB ≈ 8 K, and ordering temperature TN = 2.7 K. Comparison of the phonon and magnon velocities suggests that phonons are the main heat carriers in this magnetic insulator. The thermal conductivity in B = 0 was analysed in the frame of a standard Debye model. The temperature dependence of the effective phonon mean free path was calculated from the experimental data, and the enhancement of the phonon mean free path in B ≠ 0 was obtained, indicating that magnons act as scattering centers for phonons. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.1098 PACS numbers: 75.30.Et, 75.40.Cx, 66.70.Lm, 75.30.Ds |