Pressure Variation of the Strain State of MnAs Nanoclusters Embedded in GaAs
J. Bak-Misiuka, E. Dynowska a, P. Romanowski a, A. Misiukb, J. Sadowskia,c and W. Caliebed
a Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotnikow 32/46, PL-02668 Warsaw, Poland
b Institute of Electron Technology, al. Lotnikow 46, PL-02668 Warsaw, Poland
c MAX-Lab, Lund University P.O. Box. 118, S-22100 Lund, Sweden
d HASYLAB at DESY, Notkestr. 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany
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Granular GaAs:(Mn,Ga)As films were prepared by annealing at 500°C under ambient and enhanced hydrostatic pressure (1.1 GPa), of Ga1-xMnxAs/GaAs layers (x = 0.025, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 and 0.063) grown at 230°C by molecular beam epitaxy method. Distinct influence of enhanced hydrostatic pressure applied during sample annealing on strain state of inclusions was found. An increase of lattice distortion and of strain of inclusions for the samples treated under hydrostatic pressure is related to different bulk moduli of GaAs and of MnAs
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.903
PACS numbers: 61.05.cp, 75.50.Pp, 81.40.Vw