Enhancement of Nematic Order of Liquid Crystals in Thin Cells |
P. Aswinia, b and A.S. Govinda
aDepartment of Physics, Vijaya College, R.V. Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 560 004 India bMGR Educational and Research Institute, Deemed University, Chennai, India, |
Received: November 24, 2011 |
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Experimental observations show that the nematic order parameter is significantly enhanced as the thickness of the cell is reduced. Calculations of earlier theories do not agree well with the experimental data. We propose a simple extension of Maier-Saupe theory to account for the enhancement. A molecule near the surface is assumed to feel the mean field potential (the Maier-Saupe type) and also the surface induced potential. This is included in the Maier-Saupe theory. Our calculations are in better agreement with the experimental data. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.625 PACS numbers: 61.30.Gd, 61.30.-v, 64.70.mf |