Preliminary Comparison of Households' Income in Poland with European Union and United States Ones by Using the Statistical Physics Methods |
M. Jagielskia, R. Kutnera and M. Pęczkowskib
a Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Smyczkowa 5/7, PL-02-678 Warsaw, Poland b Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Długa 44/50, PL-00-241 Warsaw, Poland |
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In this work we compared the empirical data of annual income of Polish and European households as well as annual income of individuals in United States (e.g. for years 2006 and 2008) with predictions of the most popular theoretical models. Particularly good agreements with Pareto distribution and prediction of the Yakovenko model were obtained. For the low society class well agreement with prediction of the cumulative exponential distribution was gained. However, it turned out that the cumulative distribution of annual income of Polish households can be described quite well by the Generalised Lotka-Volterra model. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.B-47 PACS numbers: 89.20.-a, 89.65 Gh |