Search for the Photo-Induced Hidden Phase in Inorganic and Organic Systems
S. Koshiharaa, K. Ondab, Y. Okimotoa and T. Ishikawaa
aJST, CREST & Department of Materials Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
bDepartment of Environmental Chem. and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta-Yokohama, 226-8503, Japan
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We review the dynamical behavior of strongly electron-lattice (orbital) coupled system induced by photo-excitation of fs laser pulse. By virtue of the femtosecond (fs) spectroscopy and picosecond (ps) time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements, we demonstrate that the photo-irradiation creates new ordered state so called as "hidden phase" which can never be realized under thermo-equilibrium condition. This exotic phase commonly plays the key role for realizing the gigantic photo-induced changes in optical properties of inorganic and organic electron-lattice strongly coupled systems.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.328
PACS numbers: 78.47.J-, 63.20.kd, 71.30.+h, 71.45.Lr