Nanometer-Scale Incoherent Imaging Using Laser-Plasma EUV Source
P.W. Wachulak, A. Bartnik, H. Fiedorowicz and J. Kostecki
Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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Various imaging methods and techniques capable of reaching a nanometer spatial resolution are currently under development. One of them is an extreme ultraviolet microscopy, based on the Fresnel zone plates. In this paper a compact, high-repetition, laser-plasma EUV source, with a gas puff target, capable of emitting quasi-monochromatic radiation at 13.8 nm wavelength was used in the first demonstration of a desk-top EUV transmission microscopy with a spatial (half-pitch) resolution of 50 nm. EUV microscopy images of objects with various thicknesses and the spatial resolution measurements using the knife-edge test are presented.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.450
PACS numbers: 52.38.Ph, 52.50.Dg, 41.50.+h, 42.30.Va, 42.79.Ci