Effects of Cobalt and Nickel Substitution on Physical Properties of Perovskite Type Oxides Prepared by the Sol-Gel Citrate Method
R.Z. Yarbaya, b, H.E. Figena and S.Z. Baykaraa
aChem. Eng. Dept., Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey
bChem. and Process Eng. Dept., Bilecik University, Bilecik, Turkey
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In this study, lanthanum and Co-, Ni-based oxides at different compositions were prepared by the sol-gel citrate method. Ammonium carbonate and citric acid were used as complexing agent and solvent. The oxides were characterized by scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method. Surface area analysis was carried out and the effects of substitution of cobalt and nickel on the physical properties of the synthesized oxides were investigated.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.44
PACS numbers: 81.20.Fw, 81.70.Jb, 81.16.Be