Influence of Organic Pollutants on Deterioration of Antique Glass Structure
E. Greiner-Wronowa
Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Technical University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The state of glass artifacts preserved in museums is strongly dependent on strictly local parameters. The deterioration of antique glass brought on by organic compound activity which will receive attention in this work has been studied on a sample of a 18th c. glass beaker belonging to the National Museum in Kraków. Measuring of the corrosion was carried out on an original, as well as on a model (or sensor) glass. The former - the remains of an 18th c. beaker - was borrowed from the Museum. The latter is a modern sample. Both samples were tested with a non-destructive method. Glass sensors, the chemical composition of which corresponded to the analyzed objects, were prepared. Their purpose was to facilitate the study of corrosion induced by different chemicals and altered physical conditions, previously proved in the museum real circumstances. The chemical structure of glass before and after the induced corrosion processes in formaldehyde and acetic acid solution was examined by the Fourier transform: infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, complementary tests by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive microscopy, confocal microscopy were carried out as well. The corrosion processes were realized by means of shock temperature changes, as well as altering of relative humidity. Parallel corrosion processes under halogen lamp radiation were also induced. Measurements of induced corrosion pointed to the fact that deterioration of glass depends not only on the concentration of corroding media, but also on thermal shock. An experiment involving the lighting of an object by halogen lamp isolated a very important agent, which has significant influence on glass deterioration. The intensity of the induced corrosion resulted, in some cases, in glass volume corrosion as well. The obtained information can be useful for curators and conservators, as any resulting glass changes are responsible for further, this time irreversible, alterations.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.120.803
PACS numbers: 81.05.Pj, 61.43.Fs