Structure Refinement of the Semiconducting Compound Cu3TaS4 from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data
G.E. Delgadoa, J.E. Contrerasa, A.J. Moraa, S. Duránb, M. Mu nozb and P. Grima-Gallardob
aLaboratorio de Cristalografía, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela
bCentro de Estudios de Semiconductores, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela
Received: October 5, 2010; In final form: April 1, 2011
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The ternary compound Cu3TaS4 has been investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction and its structure has been refined by the Rietveld method. This compound is isostructural with the sulvanite mineral Cu3VS4, and crystallizes in the cubic P\bar{4}3m space group (No. 215), Z = 1, with unit cell parameters a = 5.5145(1) Å and V = 167.70(1) Å3. The refinement of 14 instrumental and structural parameters converged to Rp = 4.4%, Rwp = 6.8%, Rexp = 5.5% and S = 1.2 for 4501 step intensities and 33 independent reflections.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.120.468
PACS numbers: 61.50.Nw, 61.66.Fn