Aluminium Morphological Modification by Nitrogen-Argon Mixture PIII |
A.E. Mu noz-Castroa, R. López-Callejasa, bguez-Méndeza and A. de la Piedad-Beneitezb
aInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, AP 18-1027, 11801, Mexico DF bInstituto Tecnológico de Toluca, AP 890, Toluca, Estado de México, Mexico |
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With incident fluences of ≈ 1012 atoms/cm2 aluminium samples have been plasma immersion ion implanted with either pure nitrogen or argon/nitrogen mixtures at temperatures around 450°C. X-ray diffraction studies have validated the formation of the cubic phase of AlN, in samples treated with both the gas mixtures and pure nitrogen. Likewise, the presence of the hexagonal phase of AlN has been detected when either pure nitrogen or a 70%N/30%Ar mixture have been used. The signature peak of AlN has also been confirmed by the Raman spectroscopy. The maximal microhardness values were found in samples treated with the mixture. The maximal roughness was achieved with the equal part mixture in all cases, although increasing with the implantation pulse width up to a 300 nm peak at 150 μs. The latter critical value remains invariant under the pure nitrogen plasma treatment, provided that implantation periods in the order of 4.5 h are carried out. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.120.167 PACS numbers: 52.40.Hf, 52.77.Dq, 81.65.-b, 61.05.cp, 62.20.Qp, 68.37.Hk |