Jump Mechanism of Electric Conduction in n-Type Silicon Implanted with Ne++ Neon Ions
P. WÄ™gierek and P. Billewicz
Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38A, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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The article presents the results of research on alternating-current electrical conduction in phosphorus-doped silicon, strongly defected by the implantation of Ne++ neon ions. An analysis of electrical properties recorded at the annealing temperature of Ta = 373 K and affected by the changes of testing temperature ranging from 253 K to 368 K as well as frequency from 50 Hz to 5 MHz has been discussed. The obtained results have confirmed the occurrence of two conduction mechanisms in strongly defected semiconductors: the band conduction mechanism that is characteristic of low frequency values and the jump conduction one that corresponds to higher frequencies.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.120.122
PACS numbers: 61.72.uj, 61.72.Cc, 72.80.Ey