Deep Levels in GaN p-n Junctions Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy and Laplace Transform Deep-Level Spectroscopy |
P. Dybaa, E. Placzek-Popkoa, E. Zielonya, Z. Gumiennya, S. Grzankab, c, R. Czerneckib, c and T. Suskic
aInstitute of Physics, Wrocław University of Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland bTopGaN Ltd., Sokołowska 29/37, 01-142 Warszawa, Poland cInstitute of High Pressure Physics "UNIPRESS", Polish Academy of Sciences, Sokołowska 29/37, 01-142 Warszawa, Poland |
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p+-n GaN diodes were studied by means of conventional deep level transient spectroscopy and Laplace transform: deep-level spectroscopy methods within the temperature range of 77-350 K. Deep level transient signal spectra revealed the presence of a majority and minority trap of indistinguishable signatures. The Laplace transform deep-level spectroscopy technique due to its superior resolution allows us to unambiguously identify and characterize the traps. The apparent activation energy and capture cross-section for the majority trap were found to be equal to 0.63 eV and 2 × 10-16 cm2 and for the minority trap 0.66 eV and 1.6 × 10-15 cm2. It has been confirmed that the Laplace transform deep-level spectroscopy technique is a powerful tool in characterization of the traps of close signatures. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.119.669 PACS numbers: 73.61.Ey, 71.55.Eq, 73.40.Kp |