Temperature Effects on Dissociative Recombination in Neon
A. Urbanowicz, A. Bielski, D. Lisak, R. Ciuryło and R.S. Trawiński
Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Grudziądzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Received: July 26, 2010; in final form: October 12, 2010
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Using an interferometric method, detailed analysis of the line shapes of the self-broadened 748.8 nm Ne line emitted from the glow discharge at low pressure of neon was performed in wide temperature range. Systematic departures from the ordinary Voigt profile were observed. We have shown that the dissociative recombination of molecular Ne+2 ions which gives rise to the non-thermalized neon atoms may be regarded as the main process responsible for the distortion of the profile of the investigated line.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.119.336
PACS numbers: 32.70.-n, 32.70.Jz