Structure and Hyperfine Interactions in Aurivillius Bi9Ti3Fe5O27 Conventionally Sintered Compound
M. Mazureka, A. Lisińska-Czekajb, Z. Surowiecc, E. Jartycha and D. Czekajb
aDepartment of Experimental Physics, Institute of Physics, Technical University of Lublin, Nadbystrzycka 38, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
bDepartment of Materials Science, University of Silesia, Śnieżna 2, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
cInstitute of Physics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, pl. M.C. Skłodowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
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The structure and hyperfine interactions in the Bi9Ti3Fe5O27 Aurivillius compound were studied using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Samples were prepared by the conventional solid-state sintering method at various temperatures. An X-ray diffraction analysis proved that the sintered compounds formed single phases at temperature above 993 K. Mössbauer measurements have been carried out at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. Room-temperature Mössbauer spectrum of the Bi9Ti3Fe5O27 compound confirmed its paramagnetic properties. However, low temperature measurements revealed the additional paramagnetic phase besides the antiferromagnetic one.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.119.72
PACS numbers: 81.05.Je, 81.20.Ev, 31.30.Gs, 76.80.+y