Influence of Thermal Treatment on Domain Wall Dynamics in Glass-Coated Microwires
K. Richtera, R. Vargaa and A. Zhukovb
aInstitute of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, P.J. Safarik University, Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Kosice, Slovakia
bDept. Fisica de Materiales, Fac. Quimica, UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain
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We have studied the effect of thermal treatment on amorphous glass-coated Fe40Si7.5B15 microwires. This microwire is characterized by transverse domain wall regime only, with maximum domain wall velocity of about 1500 m/s. Annealing at 200°C slightly increases its transverse domain wall velocity, probably due to the reduction of mechanical stresses during the thermal annealing. Annealing at 300°C leads to drastical increase of domain wall mobility and domain wall velocity of the transverse domain wall up to 2500 m/s. Moreover, vortex regime appears in this case. Thanks to it, maximum domain wall velocity of around 5000 m/s was observed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.738
PACS numbers: 75.60.Ej, 75.60.Jk