Domain Wall Dynamics in Bistable Ferromagnetic Laminations |
J. Kravčák and V. Šuhajová
Department of Physics, FEEI, Technical University of Košice, Park Komenského 2, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia |
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The presented article deals with a model of magnetic reversal in conducting lamination with a one central ferromagnetic layer and two outer non-ferromagnetic layers. Considering a single rigid 180° domain wall spreading through the axially magnetized ferromagnetic layer the calculation of induced eddy currents in lamination is performed. The dependence of single domain wall mobility on the thickness of ferromagnetic layer is displayed. The effect of non-homogeneous magnetic field intensity generated by eddy currents is also discussed. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.734 PACS numbers: 75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej, 75.60.Jk |