Electrical Resistance Anomalies in Holmium Thin Films below 20 K in Magnetic Field |
J. Dudáša, S. Gabánib, V. Kavečanskýb, I. Gościańskac and J. Bagid
aDep. of Theoretical Electrotechnics and Electrical Measurement, TU, Park Komenského 3, SK-043 89 Košice, Slovakia bInstitute of Experimental Physics, SAS, SK-043 53 Košice, Slovakia cInstitute of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, PL-61-614 Poznań, Poland dHúskova 61, 041 11 Košice, Slovakia |
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Electrical resistance (R) of Ho thin films evaporated in vacuum ≈ 10-7 Pa was studied in a temperature range from 2 K up to 300 K and in magnetic field up to 9 T. Measurements showed resistance anomalies below 20 K - minima of R value in 36 nm and 215 nm thin films and resistivity maximum at 3.58 K in 215 nm Ho film. Increasing value of the magnetic field, applied perpendicular to film surface up to 5 T, caused increasing suppression of the R minima in these films with subsequent disappearance of them in fields above 5 T. Maximum of R value in 215 nm thin film at 3.58 K decreased with increasing flux density up to 5 T and it was suppressed at fields above 5 T. X-ray diffraction of these films revealed two phases composition consisting of the hexagonal Ho and of cubic HoH2. The preferential crystal orientation of both phases was detected. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.843 PACS numbers: 73.61.At, 75.70.Ak, 68.55.Nq |