Study of Magnetic and Structural Properties of Non-Stoichiometric NiZn Ferrites Prepared by Wet Method
A. Grusková, J. Sláma, M. Ušáková, M. Šoka, R. Dosoudil, and J. Degmová
Slovak University of Technology, Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovakia
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An iron-deficient (Ni0.33Zn0.67)1 + xFe2 - xO4 and stoichiometric Ni0.45Zn0.55Fe2O4 prepared by a wet method were studied using the Mössbauer spectroscopy and thermomagnetic measurements. For the iron-deficient sample the TC is twice as large and the temperature coefficient of initial permeability is two orders of magnitude lower in comparison with the stoichiometric samples. The results are supplemented by the frequency dependence of the complex permeability.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.780
PACS numbers: 75.50.Gg, 75.30.Cr, 75.30.-m, 82.80.Ej