New Generation of Magnetic Relaxation Sensors Based on the Melt-Spun FeCoBCu Alloys |
J. Blažeka, D. Praslička a, J. Hudák a, A. Klinda a, I. Mikita a, and J. Marcin b
aTechnical University of Košice, Faculty of Aeronautic, Rampová 7, Košice, Slovakia bInstitute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 47, Košice, Slovakia |
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We report on the development of new generation of magnetic relaxation sensors based on soft magnetic melt-spun ribbons with the composition Fe63Co21B15Cu. The as-quenched amorphous alloy was subjected to thermomagnetic heat treatment in order to obtain sensor cores with optimized magnetic properties. The relaxation characteristics obtained for these cores by employing upgraded sensor electronics were compared to those based on the model simulations using Matlab-Simulink environment. The operational field range of new developed sensor core reached 300 μT within the frequency band 0-500 Hz, i.e. it is markedly extended as compared to the currently used cores based on the commercial VAC 25X material while keeping the similar sensitivity. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.1010 PACS numbers: 85.90.+h |