Harmonically Trapped Bosons on the Sierpiński Carpet
A. Rovenchak
Department for Theoretical Physics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 12 Drahomanov St., UA-79005, Lviv, Ukraine
Received: February 11, 2010; revised version: May 26, 2010; in final form: June 2, 2010
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An ideal Bose-gas confined in a harmonic potential is studied. The thermodynamic properties of the said system are obtained in a general case of D dimensions, where D can be fractional (this corresponds to, e.g., porous medium). For the critical temperature, expansions with respect to the number of particles in the system are obtained. Numerical study is made for D = ln 8/ln 3 corresponding to the dimensionality of the so-called Sierpiński carpet.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.531
PACS numbers: 05.30.Jp, 67.85.-d, 64.60.an