The Influence of the Vibroacoustic Environment Conditions on Functional Stability of Drivers |
Z. Damijan
Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH - University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland |
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Despite new technological solutions and attempts to improve the working conditions during the operation of vehicles, city bus drivers are still exposed to negative impacts of noise and vibrations. This research project was undertaken in response to the lack of holistic analyses of the environmental factors that might impact on the city bus drivers at work. No extensive major research was done to investigate the influence of the conditions at work on functional stability of bus drivers and basic physiological parameters of the human body (systolic and diastolic pressure, pulse rate, temperature in the ear channel, loading of postural muscles, blood circulation determined with the use of a thermovision camera, fatty tissue content, body mass and physical condition (squeezing and pressing exercises). the main purpose of this research program was to show the impacts that the conditions at work might have on bus drivers or to demonstrate that these impacts do no exist. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.23 PACS numbers: 89.40.-a, 43.80.-n, 43.80.-p, 87.50.Y- |