Changes in Optical Properties of Molecular Nanostructures
S.M. Vučenovića, J.P. Šetrajčićb, B. Markoskic, D.Lj. Mirjanića, S. Pelemišd and B. Škipinae
a Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Republic Srpska - BiH
b Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Vojvodina - Serbia
c Technical Faculty "M. Pupin" Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad, Vojvodina - Serbia
d Faculty of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Zvornik, Republic Srpska, BiH
e Faculty of Technology, University of Banja Luka, Republic Srpska, BiH
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This paper represents an overview about exciton systems in the molecular nanostructures (ultra thin films and superlattices) and their implications on optical properties, primarily on absorption coefficient, which is given in the form: of dielectric permittivity. With utilization of Green's function method, we have calculated dispersion law, spectral weight of exciton states and dielectric permittivity for every type of nanostructures. All obtained results are compared with optical properties in bulk crystals. Dielectric permittivity in all types of nanostructures shows very narrow and discrete dependence of external electromagnetic field frequency, which is a consequence of the expressed quantum effects, very thin thickness in these structures (or at least one dimension confinement) and boundary conditions.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.117.764
PACS numbers: 77.55.+f, 78.20.-e, 78.66.-w, 78.67.-n