The Passively Q-switched Microchip Nd:YAG Laser Optimization for Rangefinder Applications
O. Buryya, A. Izninb, I.I. Syvorotkab, D. Sugakb, S. Ubizskiia and M. Vakivb
a Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bandery 12, 79046 Lviv, Ukraine
b Scientific Research Company "Carat", Stryjska 202, 79031 Lviv, Ukraine
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The problem of Q-switched microchip Nd3+:YAG/Cr4+:YAG laser optimization is considered. In accordance with requirements of laser location, the optimization consists in determination of such values of the saturable absorber (Cr4+:YAG) thickness, the output laser mirror reflectivity and the pumping power, that ensure the generation of the sufficiently short (≈0.5 ns) laser pulses at the repetition rate of about 10 kHz and the peak power of about 1 kW or higher. Firstly, the dependences of the laser radiation parameters on the constructive ones are analyzed in the frames of Xiao-Bass model of Q-switched microchip laser. The obtained dependences are used for laser optimization. As it is shown, the parameters of laser radiation close to predominating ones are achieved at the absorber thickness of 140 μm, the output mirror reflectivity of 0.97 and the pumping power of 2.5 W.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.117.238
PACS numbers: 42.60.Gd