Thin Films Based on Nanocrystalline TiO2 for Transparent Electronics
E.L. Prociow, K. Sieradzka, J. Domaradzki, D. Kaczmarek and M. Mazur
Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics, Wrocław University of Technology, Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław, Poland
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In this work, investigations of structural, optical and electrical properties of transparent oxide semiconductor thin films based on TiO2 doped with Eu, Pd and Tb, Pd have been presented. The transparent oxide semiconductor nanocrystalline thin films were prepared by magnetron sputtering process. It was shown that doping with selected elements results in semiconducting properties of prepared thin films of oxides with p-(TiO2:(Tb, Pd)) or n-type (TiO2:(Eu, Pd)) of electrical conduction.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.S-72
PACS numbers: 73.61.Ey, 78.66.-w, 71.20.Nr