Structural and Optical Properties of Antimony-Containing Epitaxial Layers Grown on GaSb by MOCVD
M. Wesołowski and W. Strupiński
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wólczyńska 133, 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
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Experimental results on MOCVD epitaxy of some antimonides on GaSb substrates are presented. Specific technological problems, which effect in narrow window of process parameters, were overcome and good quality of GaSb/GaSb, InGaSb/GaSb and InGaAsSb/GaSb layers was obtained. Structural, optical and electrical characterisation data are shown and discussed. Developed technology can state a ground work for realisation of antimonide-based optoelectronic devices.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.S-62
PACS numbers: 81.15.Gh, 81.05.Ea, 68.55.A-,, 68.55.J-, 68.55.Nq