Extension of Usable Spectral Range of Peltier Cooled Photodetectors
A. Piotrowski, J. Piotrowski, W. Gawron, J. Pawluczyk and M. Pedzinska
Vigo System S.A., Poznańska 129/133, 05-850 Ożarów Maz., Poland
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This paper provides update on development of the Peltier cooled detectors optimized for wavelengths above 13 μm. Initially, the devices made by Vigo were mostly used for uncooled detection of CO2 laser radiation. Over the years the performance and speed of response has been steadily improved. At present the uncooled or Peltier cooled photodetectors can be used for sensitive and fast response detection in the mid-wavelength and long-wavelength infrared spectral range. The devices have found important applications in IR spectrometry, quantum cascade laser based gas analyzers, laser radiation alerters and many other IR systems. Recent efforts were concentrated on the extension of useful spectral range to > 13 μm, as required for its application in Fourier transform: IR spectrometers. This was achieved with improved design of the active elements, use of monolithic optical immersion technology, enhanced absorption of radiation, dedicated electronics, series connection of small cells in series, and last but not least, applying more efficient Peltier coolers. Practical devices are based on the complex HgCdTe heterostructures grown on GaAs substrates with metal-organic chemical vapor deposition technique with immersion lens formed by micromachining in the GaAs substrates. The results are very encouraging. The devices cooled with miniature 4 stage Peltier coolers mounted in TO-8 style housings show significant response at wavelength exceeding 16 μm.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.S-52
PACS numbers: 85.60.Gz, 82.80.Gk, 73.61.Ga, 78.66.Hf, 81.05.Dz