Towards Understanding of Influence of Restricted Geometry on Self Diffusion in Porous Media
I. Stankovic
Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia
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Novel simulation procedure of self diffusion through model porous media is presented. The procedure is based on extensive use of molecular dynamic method. The introduced diffusion simulations have a potential to become a valuable design and development tool applications involving transport in porous media, e.g. filters or porous sensors. The porous membranes are created using phase separating model with high surface tension and its properties are characterized and compared with existing porosimetry measurements and small angle scattering experiments. These membranes are then filled with a gas of diffusing particles. Relations between transport coefficients and material structure are discussed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.701
PACS numbers: 82.56.Lz, 82.33.Ln, 83.10.Mj, 82.75.Fq