Optical Properties of Acupunctural Points as Diagnostic Method
B.R. Jovanića, D. Nikolovskib, B. Radenkovićc and M. Despotovićc
a Institute of Physics, CEP, Belgrade University, P.O. Box 68, 11080 Zemun, Serbia
b Institute for Health, Pasterova 2, 26000 Pančevo, Serbia
c FON, Lab. Simulation, Belgrade University, Jove Ilića 180, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
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The goal of this work was to establish a connection between the optical parameters of the skin in which the acupuncture points have been settled and the pathological state of the organism. For the first time a connection between the optical characteristics of the specific skin parts (acupuncture points) and the state of the organism has been demonstrated. The optical parameter of the acupuncture point optical parameter (on surface of the reflectance curve between 470 nm and 660 nm) conduct in accordance with the traditional Chinese medicine theories (balance disturbance within the organism, time change). Acquired results point to the possibility of using acupuncture point optical parameter measuring as a method to determine the number of therapeutical treatments during the traditional Chinese medical treatments.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.693
PACS numbers: 87.64.-t