Long-Range Correlation in Atomic Vibration οf Chicken Lysozyme Backbone
D. Crăciuna, A. Isvoranb, c and N.M. Avramd, e
a Teacher Training Department, West University of Timisoara, 4 Blvd. V. Parvan, Timisoara, 300223, Romania
b Department of Chemistry, West University of Timisoara, 16 Pestalozzi, Timisoara, 300115, Romania
c Nicholas Georgescu Roegen Interdisciplinary Research, and Formation Platform, 16 Pestalozzi, Timisoara, 300115, Romania
d Department of Physics, West University of Timisoara, 4 Blvd. V. Parvan, Timisoara, 300223, Romania
e Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Independentei Street, Bucharest, 050094, Romania
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Within this study we use methods such as spectral analysis that gives the spectral coefficient β, detrended fluctuations analysis that gives the scaling exponent α and the determination of Hurst exponent (H) to analyze the spatial series corresponding to the temperature factors of N, C-alpha, C and O atoms of 14 complexes of the chicken lysosyme. The mean values of the investigated parameters obtained for the 14 complexes are: β=1.779 ± 0.086, α=1.382 ± 0.009 and H=0.916. These values reveal long range correlation in atomic vibrations corresponding to the chicken lysozyme backbone.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.684
PACS numbers: 05.45.-a, 82.35.Pq, 87.15.hm