Measurement of Small Variations in Optical Properties of Turbid Inclusions with Respect to Surrounding Turbid Medium
I. Bliznakova, O. Vankov, T. Dreischuh, L. Avramov and D. Stoyanov
Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Special optical system for non invasive determination of small variations in the optical properties of homogeneous turbid inclusions embedded into large turbid medium is proposed and developed experimentally. Results for different choice of the optical parameters of both media are presented. The minimum detectable changes in the inclusion optical properties are estimated to be less than 5% with respect to the surrounding medium. It is shown that the output signals depend not only on the relative magnitude but also on the sign of the difference in optical properties of both media. The results could be used for developing techniques and algorithms for distinguishing of different kinds of abnormal formations.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.681
PACS numbers: 87.15.N-, 87.64.-t, 87.64.Cc, 87.80.-y, 87.80.Ek