Modelling the Variable Angle Reflection and Transmission from Metamaterial Slabs
G. Isića, b, B. Vasića, M. Mirića, B. Jokanovićc, I. Bergmaird, R. Gajića and K. Hingerle
a Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia
b School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
c IMTEL Communications A.D., Belgrade, Serbia
d Profactor GmbH, Functional Surfaces and Nanostructures, Steyr Gleink, Austria
e Zentrum für Oberflächen- und Nanoanalytik, Universität Linz, Austria
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We consider metamaterial slabs composed of perfectly conducting split ring resonators. Assuming bianisotropic constitutive relations, we describe an S-parameter retrieval method that allows us to obtain the full material parameter tensors from numerically calculated S parameters. The retrieval has been done for various angles of incidence, ranging from 0° to 75°. It has been found that the parameters depend on the angle of incidence, but that this dependence is relatively small.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.631
PACS numbers: 41.20.-q, 42.25.Bs, 42.70.Qs