Measurement of Beet Root Extract Fluorescence Using TR LIF Technique
M.S. Rabasovica, D. Sevica, M. Terzicb, S. Savic Sevica, B. Murica, D. Pantelica and B.P. Marinkovica
a Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia
b Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
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Laser induced fluorescence is a powerful spectroscopic technique commonly used to study the structure and internal state distributions in molecules of biological interest. Betanin (C24H26N2O13) is a specific violet betacyanin and the most prominent pigment in the red beet root where it contributes to 75-95% of the total visible color. Our method of excitation of the beet root extract is based on the tunable (320 nm to 475 nm) Nd:YAG laser system. Fluorescence images of beet root extract excited at 320, 340, 360 and 400 nm were obtained. The fluorescence is observed in range from 580 nm to 660 nm. The influence of the solution concentrations on the fluorescence intensity is also analyzed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.570
PACS numbers: 42.62.Be, 32.50.+d, 33.50.Dq