Effect of Pulsed High-Voltage Stimulation οn Pholiota Nameko Mushroom Yield |
K. Takakia, N. Yamazakia, S. Mukaigawaa, T. Fujiwaraa, H. Kofujitaa, K. Takahasib, M. Narimatsuc and K. Naganed
a Iwate University, Ueda 4-3-5, Morioka, Iwate 020-8551, Japan, b Morioka Forest Association, Konya-cho 2-9, Morioka, Iwate 020-0885, Japan, c Tono Agricultural and Forestry Center, Muikamachi 1-22, Tono, Iwate 028-0525, Japan, d Nagane Co. Ltd., Nakano 3-37-41, Hirono-cho, Kunohe-gun, Iwate 028-0790, Japan |
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A pulsed high voltage was applied to logs for mushroom cultivation to investigate an effect of pulse high voltage on mushroom growth. Inductive energy storage system was utilized to construct a pulsed power generator with compact size. Copper fuse of 0.03 mm diameter was used as an opening switch to interrupt large circuit current in short time. The voltage charged in primary energy storage capacitor was multiplied using secondary energy storage inductor. The output voltage of the pulsed power generator was 120 kV with 100 ns pulse width at 14 kV charging voltage of 0.22 μF primary energy storage capacitor and 15 μH secondary energy storage inductor. This pulsed high voltage was applied to 90 cm length logs inoculated Pholiota nameko fungus. The yield of Pholiota nameko mushrooms was successfully improved with the pulse voltage stimulation. The total weight of the cropped Pholiota nameko after the pulse voltage stimulation was 6.3 kg for fifteen logs and this value was 1.5 times larger than 4.3 kg of total weight without the stimulation. The number of logs with lower than 0.27 kg cropped Pholiota nameko weight which was an average value for control group was only one in fifteen, whereas four logs in control group showed almost zero weight of cropped Pholiota nameko. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.115.1062 PACS numbers: 87.50.-a, 52.90.+z, 82.39.Rt |