HPM Generation by Tri Anode Coaxial Vircator |
H. Shao, G.Z. Liu, Y.P. Zhang, Z.F. Yang, J. Sun and Y.C. Zhang
Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Shaanxi, Xi'an, 710024 China |
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A novel type of coaxial vircator with 3 anodes is proposed. The advantages on high power microwave generation is tested by particle in cell simulation and theoretical analysis model is set up as well. The tri anode coaxial vircator behaves a very stable frequency in the pulse duration. In the tri anode coaxial vircator, the injecting electron beam is well premodulated in the first anode cavity and forms an inerratic bunch dispersion mechanism in the second anode cavity; The energy loss electrons penetrate through the third anode and absorbed by the dumping cavity locates in the centre electrode, which helps keeping the bunch dispersion cycle undisturbed. A 3.8 GHz tri anode coaxial vircator is theoretically designed and optimized by particle in cell simulation, which gives beam wave conversion: efficiency of over 20% with a stable predominant frequency, in accordance with the particle in cell simulation and analytic model. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.115.1047 PACS numbers: 75.47.Gk |