Pulsed Power and Power Conditioning Capacitors |
F.W. Macdougalla, T.R. Jowb, J.B. Ennisa, X.H. Yanga, S.P.S. Yenc, R.A. Coopera, J.E. Gilberta, M. Schneidera, C. Naruoa and J. Batesa
a General Atomics Electronic Systems, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA, b US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA, c NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA |
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A capacitor development effort focused on capacitors used in pulsed power and power conversion: applications underwent at General Atomics Electronic Systems Inc. (GA ESI) for decades. In recent years, funding for these efforts has accelerated the rate of development progress to the point where the time it takes to decrease the size of a capacitor by half has dropped from 10 years to 4 years. This progress made in pulsed power and power conversion capacitors will be described along with the performance characteristics of today's capacitors. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.115.989 PACS numbers: 84.32.Tt, 84.60.Ve |