Spin Dependent Electron Tunneling in a Ferromagnet Superconductor Ferromagnet Junction
L. Kowalewski and R.J. Wojciechowski
a Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 PoznaƄ, Poland
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The coherent spin polarized transport in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double barrier junctions is analyzed. Using the Bogolubov-de Gennes equation with appropriate boundary conditions, we calculate probabilities of spin dependent transport processes in the ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet junction. In particular, we discuss the nonlocal processes such as the crossed Andreev reflection and elastic co-tunneling. These processes contribute to tunneling a current when the distance between the two magnetic electrodes is comparable to the superconducting coherence length. The dependences of the tunneling transport processes on the strength of the exchange field in the ferromagnetic electrodes, and on the height of the tunnel barriers are presented.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.115.257
PACS numbers: 74.45.+c, 74.50.+r, 73.23.Ad