The Influence of a Nanometric Layer with a High Refracting Index on the Sensitivity of the Difference Interferometer |
K. Gut
Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland |
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Planar waveguides in which some range of the waveguide was modified by depositing on it a layer of some other dielectric, are called composite optical waveguides. Such a structure is based on a planar waveguide obtained by means of ion exchange K+-Na+ on glass, and covered by an adequately profiled dielectric layer. This kind of structure is of much interest due to considerable possibilities of taking measurements, which may contribute to a further development of the optoelectronic sensor. Especially required are sensor systems in chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and others. Investigations on the properties of composite layers constitute a continuation of investigations concerning the construction of interferometers, which are very sensitive, cheap and easy to be produced. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.114.A-121 PACS numbers: 42.82.Et, 07.07.Df, 42.79.Pw |