Magnetic Anisotropy of Lu2Co17-xSix Single Crystals
E.A. Tereshina a, b, A.V. Andreev a, E. Šantavá a and S. Daniš b
a Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, 18221 Prague, Czech Republic
b Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 5, 12116 Prague, Czech Republic
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Received: 9 07 2007;
Magnetic anisotropy of Lu2Co17-xSix single crystals grown by the Czochralski method was investigated. The homogeneity range of Si substitution for Co extends up to x = 3.4 in Lu2Co17-xSix solid solutions. The unit cell volume, Curie temperature, and spontaneous magnetic moment decrease monotonously with increasing Si content. Lu2Co17 has the easy-plane type of magnetic anisotropy in the ground state, which changes into the easy-axis type by two spin-reorientation transitions of the second-order, the easy-plane-easy-cone at TSR1~680 K and the easy-cone - easy-axis at TSR2~730 K. Upon Si substitution, the observed spin-reorientations shift towards the lower temperatures for Lu2Co17-xSix (TSR1~75 K and TSR2~130 K in Lu2Co16Si) and vanish for compounds with 1 < x ≤ 3.4, which have the uniaxial type of magnetic anisotropy in the whole temperature range of magnetic order.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.235
PACS numbers: 75.30.-m, 75.30.Gw