[Ni(en)(H2 O)4 ][SO4 ] · 2H2 O - an S = 1 Molecular Magnet with Easy-Plane Anisotropy |
R. Tarasenko, A. Orendáčová, K. Tibenská, I. Potočňák, M. Kajňaková, A. Vlček, M. Orendáč and A. Feher
Centre of Low Temperature Physics of SAS and P.J. Šafárik University, Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic |
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Received: 9 07 2007; |
Structural analysis of [Ni(en)(H2 O)4 ][SO4 ] · 2H2 O was performed and it suggests that the crystal field should play a dominant role in the magnetic properties of the system. This conjecture coincides well with the specific heat and susceptibility behaviour. The analysis confirmed that the compound can be treated as a spin 1 single molecule magnet with nonmagnetic ground state introduced by easy-plane single-ion anisotropy D/kB ≈11 K and neglecting in-plane anisotropy E/D < 0.1. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.481 PACS numbers: 75.30.Et, 75.30.Gw, 75.40.Cx |