Specific Heat of the Mixed Spin-1/2 and Spin-S Ising Model with a Rope Ladder Structure |
J. Kiššová and J. Strečka
Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Park Angelinum 9, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic |
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Received: 9 07 2007; |
The mixed spin-1/2 and spin-S (S>1/2) Ising model on a rope ladder is examined by combining two exact analytical methods. By the decoration-iteration mapping transformation, this mixed-spin system is firstly transformed to a simple spin-1/2 Ising model on the two-leg ladder, which is then exactly solved by the standard transfer-matrix method. The thermal variations of the zero-field specific heat are discussed in particular. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.445 PACS numbers: 05.50.+q, 75.40.Cx |