Imaging Properties of Laser-Produced Parabolic Profile Microlenses |
D. Vasiljević, B. Murić, D. Pantelić and B. Panić
Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia |
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Received: 3 09 2007; |
Imaging properties of the concave microlens are presented. Microlenses are produced by using tot'hema eosin sensitized gelatin and 532 nm laser irradiation (2nd Nd:YAG harmonic). Imaging properties of microlenses are analized by calculation: the RMS wave front aberration, the diffraction point spread function cross section and the spot diagram. The obtained microlenses had excellent, near diffraction limited, performance for the moderate field angles. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.112.993 PACS numbers: 42.70.Gi, 81.05.Zx, 42.30.Lr, 42.15.Fr |