Effect of Disorder on Spin and Charge Excitations in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect |
K. Výborný a, C.H. Müller b, A.F. Dethlefsen c,d, R.J. Haug c and A. Wójs e
a Fyzikálníústav Akademie vědČeské rep., Cukrovarnická 10, 16253 Praha 6, Czech Republic b I. Inst. für theor. Physik, Universität Hamburg, Jungiusstr. 9, 20355 Hamburg, Germany c Inst. für Festkörperphysik, Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany d Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia e Instytut Fizyki, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland |
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Received: 9 06 2007; |
A simple model of disorder in fractional quantum Hall systems is combined with the standard exact diagonalisation technique. Electron-density-dependent gaps at filling factors 1/3,2/3,2/5, and 3/5 measured by activated transport can then be fitted with a single reasonable value of d which has the meaning of the separation of ionized donors from the quasi-2D electron gas. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.112.249 PACS numbers: 73.43.-f, 75.10.Jm, 72.10.Fk, 73.63.-b |